Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 21 - Food for Love - Banana Pankakes

Dear friend,

One month has passed by, there was a silence in this blog and one month of dancing the no dance, meditating on not meditating.
A month of
blood test
chi test
mind and more energy
more blood
food first - love


wake up
eat well
love well
healthy and wealthy
be well again

meditation today is on right intake..., on pausing, recovering, for giant steps... and crossing the water ahead... taking one day at a time.
what do we need to keep ourselves not falling weak and unhealthy under extreme conditions?

What do Monks and
Monkeys have in common?
meditation and some Banana Pancakes?
Namaste and thanks for your support.
I promisse I will come back stronger and love with courage and no fear.

"Banana Pancakes"
You hardly even notice 

When I try to show you this 

Song it’s meant to keep you 

From doing what you’re supposed to 

Like waking up too early 

Maybe we could sleep in 

I’ll make you banana pancakes 

Pretend like it’s the weekend now 

And we could pretend it all the time 

Can’t you see that it’s just raining 

There ain’t no need to go outside 

But just maybe, hala ka ukulele 

Mama made a baby 

I really don’t mind the practice 

Because you’re my little lady 

Lady, lady love me 

Because I love to lay here lazy 

We could close the curtains 

Pretend like there’s no world outside 

And we could pretend it all the time 

Can’t you see that it’s just raining 

There ain’t no need to go outside 

Ain’t no need, ain’t no need   

Can’t you see, can’t you see 

Rain all day and I don’t mind 


Telephone singing, ringing, it’s too early 

Don’t pick it up 

We don’t need to 

We got everything we need right here 

And everything we need is enough 

It’s just so easy 

When the whole world fits inside of your arms 

Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm 

Wake up slow, wake up slow 

But baby, you hardly even notice 

When I try to show you this 

Song it’s meant to keep you 

From doing what you’re supposed to 

Like waking up too early 

Maybe we could sleep in 

I’ll make you banana pancakes 

Pretend like it’s the weekend now 

And we could pretend it all the time 

Can’t you see that it’s just raining 

There ain’t no need to go outside 

Ain’t no need, ain’t no need 

Rain all day and I really really really don’t mind 

Can’t you see, can’t you see 

We’ve got to wake up slow


  1. Happy you are back!!!

    Never had any doubt that after each step you will be stronger and stronger

    And for sure, you will glow even more that ever

    Beijos de vuelta!

  2. Thank you my dear friend, life can be tough sometimes... but we need to recover and adapt to new situations and opportunities. much love it is good to feel you close.
