Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 15 - Falling arrows Part 3 - Fall line (2003)

Wherever we are now, we are on the line that separates space and time, the past, present and future. When we step forward or backwards, this line follows us, and if we try to cross it, we will probably fall.

The Inca tradition in the Andes says that if we fall down, it means that we injured Pachamama inside and outside ourselves, inner and outter mother earth. Being on our knees is a way to apologize for what we have done wrong to our mother earth, crossing the fall line.

2000 years of Inca tradition, and we still keep on falling down.
These days have been very difficult for me, falling down on the line, and meditation is almost impossible, as the past arrows keep on flying and some are hurting..., So today, the meditation is on learning to get up and let go, stop crossing the fall line, leaving behind compassionately the past actions, the stray arrows in flight... and concentrate on the arrows in my hands now.
It seems very abstract if you are here for teh first time, so please, if you are interested in teh meditation on the mindful archer, look at days 13 and 14, and
follow with me in these meditation steps, better described bellow from Swamiji's website and enjoy the Jack Johnson's Fall Line song to dance with me the archery dance. Let's enjoy one more day meditating on the mindful archery, so do not miss tomorrow.


Letting the Stray Arrows Fall 
Reducing the In-flight arrows: When we start improving our aim, and thus creating fewer attachments and aversions, we also have to deal with the arrows that are already in flight. Some of these in-flight arrows are painful, some are pleasurable. Whether bringing pain or pleasure, the consequences of these previously-shot arrows continues to come, until those arrows find their final destination and completion. 
A simple process: There is a simple process to reducing the in-flight arrows: 
We allow the arrows to fall where they are headed, accepting that some of them were poorly aimed. Past decisions are bringing current consequences. We accept these consequences and their responsibilities, as we stay focused on the arrows in hand. We allow the old arrows to run their course in such a way that we don't add more negative consequences to come. 
Not becoming diverted by the in-flight arrows: Because of these stray arrows, one may easily become diverted from the path of Self-realization. Those old arrows, shot long ago, continue to come and cause problems. Often what happens is that due to these old arrows, still in flight, we end up firing more arrows along the same off-course path. We can end up having just as many arrows in the air that are off-course, rather than seeing the number go down. 
Being kind to ourselves: The solution is to be very kind with ourselves, as we cultivate persistence and patience. We may want spiritual energy, grace, or shakti to come to us, yet one of the first forms of that comes as determination. To have, cultivate, or pray for such determination is an essential practice on the journey to Self-Realization. 
  • Becoming a good Archer in making useful decisions, developing determination, and practicing patience, form a powerful combination.
  • Then, the number and intensity of off-course arrows of Karma gradually goes down, as the number that are on-target increases. 
  • Gradually our karmic focus shifts, as we move more and more towards a greater integration of mind, and reduction of samskaras
  • Then our meditations and contemplations can progress more smoothly and quickly on the Journey Within. 

"Fall Line"

and by the way
you know that hope will make you strange
make you blink make you blank make you sink
it will make you afraid of change
and often blame
the box with the view of the world
and the ones that fill the frame
i turn it up but then i turn it off
because i can’t stand when they start to talk
about the hurting and killing
whose shoes are we filling
the damage and ruin
man the things that we’re doing
we gotta stop, we gotta turn it all off
we gotta rewind and start it up again
because we fell across the fall line
ain’t there nothing sacred any more
somebody saw him jump
but nobody saw him slip
i guess he lost a lot of hope
and then he lost his grip
now he’s lying in the freeway
in the middle of this mess
guess we lost another one
just like the other one
optimistic hypocrite
that didn’t have the nerve to quit
the things that kept him wanting more
until he finally reached the core
he fell across the fall line
ain’t there nothing sacred any more


  1. My sweet friend,
    if I´m a stuck bark running in circles, it is impossible now for me to shoot arrows with a defined aim. I will keep them in the quiver, stop and stay where I´m fully supposed to stay, here and now, far from elsewhere

  2. Be in your cocoon, dear Lide. I am too refraining of making too much noise, but my life is putting in the turbillion of changes. It is better to stay like that, Lide, if you feel it is good.
    Keep on meditating on your wings....
    and how to take the right action, but keep clear your aims first.
    love you!
